Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Bowflexing Nightmare Tendency

I've been going crazy with painting lately. My arms have been covered in paint, often in red paint, making me look like some kind of an escapee from the set of 28 Days Later or somesuch.

Here are some of my most recent offerings to ye olde Gods of Internet, all of which are available at $10 each (or 3 for $25) here.

They also double as the coolest stationery you've ever seen.

Imagine getting a letter that's been hand-done. Getting mail is fun enough as it is, what with the stamp, and the canceling, and the handwritten nature of the front, and all that. I'm so over e-mail. It's not nearly as fun as snail-mail. In fact, I've come to sort of loathe e-mail. If only it weren't so damn convenient.

This entry has degenerated swiftly into babbling. I am off to make my studio even more of a mess, just to make completely sure that if I don't get my security deposit back on the house I'm renting, it'll be worth it.

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