Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Bowflexing Nightmare Tendency

I've been going crazy with painting lately. My arms have been covered in paint, often in red paint, making me look like some kind of an escapee from the set of 28 Days Later or somesuch.

Here are some of my most recent offerings to ye olde Gods of Internet, all of which are available at $10 each (or 3 for $25) here.

They also double as the coolest stationery you've ever seen.

Imagine getting a letter that's been hand-done. Getting mail is fun enough as it is, what with the stamp, and the canceling, and the handwritten nature of the front, and all that. I'm so over e-mail. It's not nearly as fun as snail-mail. In fact, I've come to sort of loathe e-mail. If only it weren't so damn convenient.

This entry has degenerated swiftly into babbling. I am off to make my studio even more of a mess, just to make completely sure that if I don't get my security deposit back on the house I'm renting, it'll be worth it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pogo the Handmade Screenprinted Cloth and Ribbon Doll

This damsel is Pogo, so-called because my fiancé saw her before I had completed her second leg. Once I finished her other leg, he started calling her "Double-Pogo," which, I pointed out to him, makes no sense.

She's made of recycled materials except for the Poly-Fil in her arms and legs. Her face has been hand-screenprinted via freezer paper stencils. She's available for purchase in the plushy section of my etsy shop. A part of me thinks it wouldn't be terrible if she wasn't bought and I could keep her forever. Then I remember that money is good. So either way, I suppose life is all right.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Heart Notecards

Notecard illustration is so satisfying in so many ways. I think we need to bring back stationery to the masses. There's nothing quite like going to the post office and buying a stamp. They try to make stamps as nifty as they can to entice people to buy them. It's working, at least in my case. My favorites at present are these:

The Abraham Lincoln ones are unsettling in the best way possible.

ACEO Madness

Being rocked out right here:

are my new ACEOs for Etsy. I am really busy making a lot of new illustrations, and they've been flying off the shelves (as it were), mostly in trades. What I like about Etsy, among other things, is the trading function. I trade on illustratedatcs.com for other cards, but on Etsy, I can trade for things like earrings and stuffed animals and clothing. Which is fun. But slightly expensive. Whoops.